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What is your Kingdom Movement  opportunity?


FAMM's APOSTOLIC MOBILIZATION RESIDENCY exists to raise up modern mission teams for the forward and rapid expansion of the church for our generation and for generations to come.


In this Residency, participants will go through a two-year course of study to be trained as apostles – "sent ones" called and equipped to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who don't yet know Him – in the three pillars of the theological, experiential, and practical aspects of apostolic mobilization.



If we are citizens of and ambassadors of the Kingdom of God, we need to understand what His Kingdom is. We will approach our study during these 24 months by diving into the biblical theology of the Kingdom of God in order to apply it to our doctrine, strategy, and practice and to bring about Kingdom Movements among the unreached.



As a participant, you will be gaining unique experiences to fulfill your role as an apostolic leader. These experiences will be gained alongside FAMM leadership in a variety of settings. Each participant will go through a unique set of experiences tailored to their role, calling, and gifting during the residency. 



All aspects of the residency program are hands-on. Everything you learn in the classroom, you will be practicing in the harvest fields where you live in order to bring about Kingdom Movements. After completing your residency, you will be able to carry these lessons with you as you deploy around the world.

As a participant in the two-year residency, you will be preparing to serve as an apostolic leader to develop teams and networks to see Kingdom Movements.

Mobilization Pathways:

Begins January 2025

Cohort  2

Summer 2025

Summer Internship

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