“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ ”
Matthew 28:18-20​
In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus spelled out very clearly what His mission is and what it means for His followers to be committed to His mission.
FAMM is our expression of obedience to the mission of Jesus. Since FAMM began in 2009, He has graciously used our ministry to impact some of the world’s least-reached areas with the gospel. To quantify our impact, we look at five core metrics drawn from the Great Commission that we’ve used from the beginning. They represent marks of discipleship that lead to biblical church planting.
“Motivated by relationships, held accountable by the numbers, responsible for our own actions.”
Though we track our impact numerically, we are not driven by the numbers – we’re held accountable by them. We have apostolic teams working in each of our networks that report on these marks of discipleship. We gather all the metrics into a report that we call the FAMM Scorecard.
Why Believers Baptized?
Our intent is to make disciples, not decisions. In our areas of ministry, baptisms are risky; they are public declarations that a person has left his old community and joined the community of Christ. Disciples who take baptism do so as a mark of their obedience to Christ and their identification with a local church.
Why Story Groups?
As we pursue the mission of Christ among unreached people groups, we create environments where the unreached can become disciples. Story groups are our primary environments for evangelism. They focus on gathering people of peace to reach them for Christ & establish them as His disciples.
Why Churches Planted?
The natural outcome of disciple making is the planting of biblical churches. In our strategy, once we have planted a church, we continue equipping and mobilizing that church to multiply.
Why Leaders Trained?
Jesus calls all of us into His mission. As equippers, our role is to inspire, motivate, and mobilize more workers into the harvest fields to pursue the mission of Christ. We do this with a unique, reproducible disciple-making
process called D2D.
Why People Reached?
FAMM works among people groups where less than 2% of the population have ever heard the good news of Jesus. Our desire is to see a marked increase in the percentage of Christ-followers across the regions in which we operate.