What is a Kingdom Movement ?
A network of Kingdom citizens cooperating in a sustained effort of making disciples and establishing churches at an exponential rate to disrupt the kingdom of darkness within a geographical area.
Components of a Kingdom Movement
ACTS 18:18-19:10
A Cooperating Network
Paul, Priscilla & Aquila, Apollos, Timothy, Erastus & Other Disciples
Kingdom Citizens
Those transformed through the Lord Jesus (juxtaposed against those represented in Acts 19:13-17)
Sustained effort of making disciples and establishing churches
At least two years and three months
Exponential Rate
All who lived in the province of Asia heard the world of the Lord
Disrupting the Kingdom of Darkness
Evident in lives being changed (Acts 19:18-20) and the persecution that followed (Acts 19:23-41)
Geographic Area
The Provence of Asia with Ephesus as its capital (modern-day Turkey and Greece)
What is the Kingdom Movement opportunity before you?
What has God been putting on your heart for the harvest fields?
What does God have for you in the harvest fields?
What does God want of you as the harvest force?